
(717) 444-7211

3 Orchard Rd.
Liverpool, PA 17045

Calling all Winemakers

Calling all Amateur Winemakers!

Interested in making wine at home? Not to worry. Although wine making is essentially idiot proof, by comparison, so is golf. The fundamentals of both are quick. That said, applying the fundamentals perfectly takes a lifetime to master, so maybe we should get started.

We are often asked if home winemaking is legal, wink… wink….

The answer is a resounding “Yes!”

Winemaking (or home-brewing if you prefer) is completely legal with only a few caveats:

You can make up to 100 gallons by yourself or 200 maximum if living in a multi-person environment. If you kick out the “other/others” after the wine making is completed, you’re good. (Honey, the bad news is you gotta’ leave. The good news is the 200 gallons of home-brew stays.)

You cannot sell your end product. You can give it away, or you can hog it all to yourself. I vote for hogging. See caveat #1 for clarification.

You must be 21 to make and drink your home-brew. Luckily I just turned 21 again a few weeks ago.

You may not distill spirits. You can see spirits… you can summon spirits, you might feel that you are possessed by spirits in the morning, but you cannot distill spirits. I don’t know why.

You may share and taste home-brewed beverages if you choose. I choose to share my sun-made ice tea.

Well, all that said, let’s get down to the it-takes-a-lifetime-to-learn part of the deal.

(These documents sourced via our Ohio location, The Winery at Versailles)

A Beginner’s GUIDE to Wine Making

Basic Materials for Wine Making

Chemicals for Wine Making

Yeast Types for Wine Making

Weights & Measures for Wine Making

Storing and Serving of Wine